Pilot Job Search in Covid19
Stress is an intrusion on our livelihood, and for a lot of us, feeling safe and secure is essential to our wellbeing. With that said, job loss/job hunting is one of the most significant life stressors, and when you add Covid19 into the equation, suddenly, our very being is threatened. For many, a disruption in lifestyle and family situations, financial outlook, health and safety concerns, and a depressed job market will create anxieties and bring forth other mental and health effects.
So how do you navigate through these uncertain times?
Job hunting is a job itself, so it’s critical to exercise, sleep well, and eat healthy during this time. You guessed it; exercise produces endorphins. These feel-good hormones make you and I feel better and improve our ability to sleep. When you also include a healthy diet in this plan, you have a three-step plan to improve your overall physical health and boost your confidence when things get tough.
It can be challenging to stay positive and confident when regular news and social media updates bombard us with a negative outlook. What can you do with the added
strain of a depressed job market and receiving rejection or
“constructive feedback to an application? The best thing you can remember is that your value and worth is not based on your current situation but that you have an amazing experience and your situation is not permanent. If you have received a rejection notification or “constructive feedback”, turn this around and ask for tips on areas to improve and ask for referrals.
PlanBefore you start searching, make sure you plan on all the steps you need to do. Starting with an updated CV with correct information, you also want to map out opportunities that are of interest that you are qualified in. Ensure that you research the roles you are applying so that you have all the questions ready. As interviews tend to be online during this period, make sure you have an area in your home set up for this but also make sure your tablet and computer ready to go. Another critical point is to make sure you are well prepared for interviews. Talk to us about interview guides and check out our daily CV tips.
It is equally important to have a schedule and structure if you treat job hunting like a job. What you will need to do is schedule time in your calendar and use the allocated time to plan and carry out all the activities you need to do. You will find that this creates a feeling of control and accomplishment. It is also vital to rebalance these activities when things become too intense. When this happens, take a day or two off; go for a nice meal, fishing, spending time with family/friends, doing activities that give you satisfaction, and breaking the monotony.
Take this time to reach out to your connections in LinkedIn, Professional Groups, and trusted and tried recruitment agencies. While it is essential to know what is available in the job market, it is equally important to find out more about the finer details of the roles advertised.
Reach out to gain insights and expand on your research. At the same measure, ask for referrals and recommendations from previous managers and colleagues. This is also the time to do your research. Once you are armed with this information, speak to recruitment agents who go the extra mile for you but also support you once you secure a position.